4 research outputs found

    Systems for Noninvasive Assessment of Biomechanical Load in the Lower Limb

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    Every move you make—and, yes, every step you take—is the result of action at a joint, and so proper joint function is pivotal to the way we explore and interact with the world around us. Unfortunately, joint function is often disrupted by injuries, chronic disorders, or neurological deficits, which can, in turn, disrupt quality of life. Many forms of joint dysfunction derive from adverse biomechanical loading conditions—that is, the forces and torques to which our limbs are subjected—and, thus, techniques for monitoring these loads during daily life may improve our understanding of how injuries and disorders arise and progress—and, most importantly, how best to treat them. The standard methods for assessing these loading conditions, however, are almost all benchtop-bound and confined to laboratories or clinics, so their utility in at-home or ambulatory settings—where they may be most impactful—is limited. In an attempt to address this void, in this work, we present three novel techniques for extracting information related to joint loading using a synthesis of noninvasive / wearable sensing and machine learning. First, we detail the development of an adjustable-stiffness ankle exoskeleton with multimodal sensing capabilities and use it to explore how humans interact with external elastic loading of the ankle during walking. Then, in an attempt to peer “under the skin,” we develop a novel form-factor for capturing joint sounds— the skin-surface vibrations produced by articulating structures internal to the joint—and demonstrate that these noninvasive measurements can be used to discriminate levels of axial loading at the knee. Finally, taking the concept of joint acoustics one step further, we introduce a new, active acoustics-based technique whereby the tensile loading of a particular tissue—the Achilles tendon—can be estimated by measuring the tissue’s mechanical response to a burst vibration on the skin surface. Using this approach, we are able to assess this loading state (and, by association, the net moment at the ankle) reliably across several activities of daily life, and, through a proof-of-concept study, we demonstrate how the technique can effectively translate to a fully wearable device. Collectively, the efforts reported in this thesis represent a novel, multi-path approach to assessing biomechanical loading states in the lower limb and the effects thereof. These tools and insights may serve as a basis for future development of wearable, accessible technologies for monitoring joint load during daily life, thereby reducing injury risk, tracking disease progress, assessing the efficacy of treatment, and accelerating recovery.Ph.D

    Vibration Characterization of the Human Knee Joint in Audible Frequencies

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    Injuries and disorders affecting the knee joint are very common in athletes and older individuals. Passive and active vibration methods, such as acoustic emissions and modal analysis, are extensively used in both industry and the medical field to diagnose structural faults and disorders. To maximize the diagnostic potential of such vibration methods for knee injuries and disorders, a better understanding of the vibroacoustic characteristics of the knee must be developed. In this study, the linearity and vibration transmissibility of the human knee were investigated based on measurements collected on healthy subjects. Different subjects exhibit a substantially different transmissibility behavior due to variances in subject-specific knee structures. Moreover, the vibration behaviors of various subjects’ knees at different leg positions were compared. Variation in sagittal-plane knee angle alters the transmissibility of the joint, while the overall shape of the transmissibility diagrams remains similar. The results demonstrate that an adjusted stimulation signal at frequencies higher than 3 kHz has the potential to be employed in diagnostic applications that are related to knee joint health. This work can pave the way for future studies aimed at employing acoustic emission and modal analysis approaches for knee health monitoring outside of clinical settings, such as for field-deployable diagnostics

    The genomic history of southeastern Europe

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    Farming was first introduced to Europe in the mid-seventh millennium bc, and was associated with migrants from Anatolia who settled in the southeast before spreading throughout Europe. Here, to understand the dynamics of this process, we analysed genome-wide ancient DNA data from 225 individuals who lived in southeastern Europe and surrounding regions between 12000 and 500 bc. We document a west-east cline of ancestry in indigenous hunter-gatherers and, in eastern Europe, the early stages in the formation of Bronze Age steppe ancestry. We show that the first farmers of northern and western Europe dispersed through southeastern Europe with limited hunter-gatherer admixture, but that some early groups in the southeast mixed extensively with hunter-gatherers without the sex-biased admixture that prevailed later in the north and west. We also show that southeastern Europe continued to be a nexus between east and west after the arrival of farmers, with intermittent genetic contact with steppe populations occurring up to 2,000 years earlier than the migrations from the steppe that ultimately replaced much of the population of northern Europe.Iain Mathieson 
 Wolfgang Haak 
 David Reic